My last live performance in April where I played a solo set in downtown Jacksonville on the Elestial Sound stage at One Spark Festival only clarified this for me. As did my recent attendance at the Big Ears Festival in Knoxville, TN in early March of this year. Time to focus on what I do best. Time to dig into my roots. What does this mean? Drums and electronics and noise. Perhaps this is a reaction to the limb I've been out on these past few years trying to craft pop songs without a proper singer or a reaction to having had to deal with bandmates and all of the psychology involved therein, but its where I'm heading.
I've still got some loose ends to tie up, like the 'album' I am slowly working on, The Hours We Passed in Dreaming. Hopefully, I can have that done this year-ish. Probably a physical release on cassette, probably limited to 50 copies.
I also hope to continue my collaboration with filmmaker Aaron O'Laughlin. We have shot a couple of interesting short improvised pieces and I hope we create several more eventually threading them together as a feature, maybe a DVD release. Time will tell.
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