On our way home from our honeymoon, Jacqueline and I bought a kalimba. Not one of those shoddy gift store types that amount to nothing more than a glorified noise maker, but a real, playable instrument. By the time we were back home, I had extracted a lullaby like phrase, which I promptly began fashioning into a song. Upon playing for it my daughter, she dubbed it a "long lasting rhythm". Kind of a cool thing for a six year old girl to say.
Since returning from my honeymoon I have been motivated to make music now that I have some time to devote to it. With a few new songs and a couple of old ones, I am in the process of assembling a new set for the Hifi Envelope. Currently, the line up consists of myself only, but I am confident this will change. I also hope to record a song or two in the coming weeks which I will post here for your auditory pleasure.
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