Over the X-mas weekend my friends Timothy Murray and Anna Wallace have released some music via Soundcloud with their new group, Sloppy Kisses. If you love thrifting, John Waters movies and phasers, this is the stuff for you! Anna's voice is like a lounge singer crossed with a theremin. Tim and I have played in many bands together and he has played in the Hifi Envelope in the past, so you know he's gonna come correct with that bass and omnichord. Some dude called Ryan is holding it down with some fun, tight electro-drum kit drumming and nice clean production. These cats can swing. Check 'em out.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Surface Music Re-issue
It's almost X-mas and I wanted to put this out there before the end of the year. Looks like I'm just squeezing by on this re-issue, but at least I'm getting it done. This way I have all of the cd-r's that I put out years ago available in a digital format. There were a couple of other releases, but I do not plan on making those available. I think that what I have available for download via bandcamp is a good representation of my output as the Hifi Envelope. Now I can put a little more effort into fully realizing the songs that I have written since 2009 that I have performed live with, but not had the energy or focus to try to properly record.
Though it is fairly mid-fi in terms of fidelity, Surface Music represents a big step forward for me. Up until 2000 I had primarily worked on a tape four track with outboard effects and a sampler to record and compose. Sometime that year I started playing around on the computer making beat sequences with free trackers I found to download. In 2002 I was introduced to a couple of programs that really changed how I made music. The songs on Surface Music are the results of those changes. Through adapting newer technologies and applying what I had learned playing drums in Noetry and bass(among other things) in the French Horns, I was growing my ability to map out a piece both dynamically and melodically.
Originally this was released as a cd-r in 2004 on Lostgate Backgrounds. It is released here with an extra song that was from the Party Music release from 2005 that will not be re-issued. "Fond Belt Memory" was written and recorded with Timothy Murray in 2003(of Orlando bands Noetry, Temporally and Telethon) one afternoon while we were waiting for friends to pick us up to go to a Belle and Sebastian concert. Since it was recorded at the same time as the rest of the songs on Surface Music, I though it would be fitting to include.
Download Surface Music here: http://hifienvelope.bandcamp.com/album/surface-music

Originally this was released as a cd-r in 2004 on Lostgate Backgrounds. It is released here with an extra song that was from the Party Music release from 2005 that will not be re-issued. "Fond Belt Memory" was written and recorded with Timothy Murray in 2003(of Orlando bands Noetry, Temporally and Telethon) one afternoon while we were waiting for friends to pick us up to go to a Belle and Sebastian concert. Since it was recorded at the same time as the rest of the songs on Surface Music, I though it would be fitting to include.
Download Surface Music here: http://hifienvelope.bandcamp.com/album/surface-music
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Incomplete Works of The Hifi Envelope
I originally released The Incomplete Works of The Hifi Envelope in 2003 on my own cd-r label, Lostgate Backgrounds. It was a compilation of songs culled from various cassette releases and other demo cd-r's that I had passed out to friends between 1997 through 2002.
I have re-issued it on bandcamp here:
I have re-issued it on bandcamp here:
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Abandoned Drive-Ins
Several of my songs are being set to some footage of abandoned drive in theaters in Florida. This film was shot on Hi8 by Alex Ojeda in the late 1990's and is being transferred and edited by Aaron O'Laughlin. Aaron has made a youtube channel to document its development.
Needless to say, I am super excited and grateful to have the opportunity to be part of this project.
Needless to say, I am super excited and grateful to have the opportunity to be part of this project.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
More Unrelated Passages
I made some post cards to spread around as part of my super low budget/low intensity media blitz and this is the backside. You can find them on the fridges of select friends and family of mine or go to Hyde and Zeke's or Wayward Council in Gainesville. You will also find some hanging around Stormy Records in Dearborn, Michigan pretty soon, as well as which ever hipster record store my buddy in NYC puts some in. There are also magnets! Send me a message if you want one for your fridge!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Damnation of Recognition
The damnation of recognition:
this is where even
genius sometimes
and talent always
whores out;
oh, boys, be careful:
it was not easy
getting there.
and there's no getting back;
remember what you've
carved in cold places,
and know
that the gods were good,
and it is not
the living crowd
of now
that decides anything:
or least of all,
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Bandcamp site up with three new releases!!!
I set out intending on mastering and organizing the songs for Unrelated Passages, but in the process of doing so found a good deal of songs I thought were decent enough to share. As time progresses, perhaps this will prove to have not been such a great idea, but I am not one given to self revision. These are the documents. Judge as harshly as you like. However, I hope you will spend a little time with them. Get to know them with all of their imperfection and subtlety, in so much as they have to offer. Let them fill some small silence in your day as you put on your make up, as you drive or bike to work or school, when the sunlight filters into your room in that perfect way, when you cook some dinner, as you fall asleep.
go here for music:
go here for music:
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Unrelated Passages, et al
I will soon release Unrelated Passages, as well as a couple of ep's; one of atmospheric guitar sounds and the other comprised mostly of noise. These releases come about as a result of a couple of months worth of organizing files from various hard drives. Most of this was recorded years ago and forgotten due to a computer meltdown. Unrelated Passages is a compilation of songs recorded between 2004 through 2009. A collection that came together very slowly as songs were birthed. Only now have I found the time to organize these songs in an order I find acceptable. All of the songs were created in different places on different equipment at different times, but the songs seem to come together to form a cohesive listen. You can judge for yourself as soon as I make it available for download, which will be soon. I have tentative plans to also make the releases I put out on cd-r years ago available for download.
e.e. cummings
My daughter and I on a recent trip to the library found a book of poems by e.e. cummings titled Hist Whist and Other Poems for Children. Contained within we found this resonating little gem(reproduced exactly):
the little horse is newlY
Born)he knows nothing,and feels
everything;all around whom is
perfectly a strange
ness(Of sun
light and of fragrance and of
Singing)is ev
evrywhere(a welcom
ing dream:is amazing)
a worlD.and in
this world lies:smoothbeautifuL
ly folded;a(bre
thing and a gro
Saturday, April 30, 2011
And the dust begins to settle....

On our way home from our honeymoon, Jacqueline and I bought a kalimba. Not one of those shoddy gift store types that amount to nothing more than a glorified noise maker, but a real, playable instrument. By the time we were back home, I had extracted a lullaby like phrase, which I promptly began fashioning into a song. Upon playing for it my daughter, she dubbed it a "long lasting rhythm". Kind of a cool thing for a six year old girl to say.
Since returning from my honeymoon I have been motivated to make music now that I have some time to devote to it. With a few new songs and a couple of old ones, I am in the process of assembling a new set for the Hifi Envelope. Currently, the line up consists of myself only, but I am confident this will change. I also hope to record a song or two in the coming weeks which I will post here for your auditory pleasure.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A New View From the Same Window
Happy Chinese New Year to All! To those of you paying attention I thought I might update you. The Hifi Envelope has, over the holidays of 2010, taken a turn. We were running at a steady clip as a rock band there for a bit with five members, sounding amazing and generally having a great time. Alas, great times must end. Steve is busy doing whatever excellent shit it is that Steve does, Shannon is immersed in dissertation defending/job seeking as she prepares to embrace her well deserved PHD, while Adam, Charlie and Steve F are working on a new group. I have turned 34 years old today and I am engaged to be married in April. Hence, I am super busy.
We wrote some great songs together. A good bit of them I wrote, but a majority were the result of genuine collaboration. As time grows between us it will be harder to come back together to record those tunes, but it is my sincere hope that we record at least the best of them to preserve this chapter for ourselves mainly, but also for our friends and anyone that may have come to our shows that enjoyed our music. It's bittersweet for sure, but I've been around long enough to know that things, people, feelings, love, laughter, whatever; it all comes and it all goes. There's always more just around the corner waiting to be discovered or created and as I turn the page on a new year, a new life, I look forward to what is yet to come. Maybe some of you will stick around to see what turns up next. I can say it will probably be worth while.
We wrote some great songs together. A good bit of them I wrote, but a majority were the result of genuine collaboration. As time grows between us it will be harder to come back together to record those tunes, but it is my sincere hope that we record at least the best of them to preserve this chapter for ourselves mainly, but also for our friends and anyone that may have come to our shows that enjoyed our music. It's bittersweet for sure, but I've been around long enough to know that things, people, feelings, love, laughter, whatever; it all comes and it all goes. There's always more just around the corner waiting to be discovered or created and as I turn the page on a new year, a new life, I look forward to what is yet to come. Maybe some of you will stick around to see what turns up next. I can say it will probably be worth while.
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